The answer is it depends... If you are a landlord of a private let your obligations will be ensuring there are working smoke alarms on each floor of the premise prior to a new tenant moving in along with a carbon monoxide alarm where solid fuel burning appliances are present ie boilers. HMO's The fire safety order does not apply to flats or bedsits of the HMO but the fire safety order does apply to the:
Common parts of HMOs (but not shared houses)
Common parts of buildings containing flats and maisonettes
Common parts of sheltered accommodation.
Blocks of Flats
Common parts of the flats
Front doors of the flats
The type of fire risk assessment required will depend on a number of factors such as if the level of compartmentation needs proving or inspection within the flats is also required with one of the following assessments normally being carried out. Type 1
Common parts only (non-destructive)
A Type 1 fire risk assessment is the basic FRA required for the purpose of satisfying the Fire Safety Order.
Type 2
Common parts only (destructive)
The scope and objectives of a Type 2 fire risk assessment are generally similar to those of a Type 1 FRA, except that there is a degree of destructive inspection, carried out on a sampling basis.
Type 3
Common parts and flats (non-destructive)
A Type 3 fire risk assessment includes the work involved in a Type 1 FRA, but goes beyond the scope of the Fire Safety Order (though not the scope of the Housing Act).
This FRA considers the arrangements for means of escape and fire detection (i.e. smoke alarms) within at least a sample of the flats.
Within the flats, the inspection is non-destructive, but the fire resistance of doors to rooms is considered.
Type 4
Common parts and flats (destructive)
A Type 4 fire risk assessment has the same scope of work as a Type 3 FRA, except that there is a degree of destructive inspection, in both the common parts and the flats, carried out on a sampling basis.
This is the most comprehensive FRA, but will only be appropriate in limited circumstances, such as when a new landlord takes over a block of flats in which the history of works carried out is unknown and there is reason to suspect serious risk to residents from both a fire in their own flats and a fire in neighbours’ flats.
If you are not sure what type of assessment applies to you and your property please get in touch and we will advise you further. If you know what type of assessment you require and would like a instant online quote from us please visit instant online fire risk assessment quote.